Be Happy And The Reason Will Come Along..!! :)

The world is full of unhappy people. Not the ‘unhappy for a particular reason’. Generally unhappy. Always complaining. Depressed, annoyed, angry at the state of affairs – and not exactly sure of what it is! Ironically, all of us constantly state their need for happiness, but if we sit back and analyse the situation a bit, we realize that we are unhappy not because of the circumstances, but out of choice.
This might sound silly, because who would do things that would make us unhappy? No one. But that’s the thing – We are not actively doing anything about our happiness other than being – unhappy.
To be honest i have gone through this syndrome very recently and i know how it feels. i remember the time when i cut off with all my social media platforms to stay away from negativity, but nothing worked. In todays world it is hard to stay away from technology, and for me being a computer science student, just IMPOSSIBLE. And now – I WANT A PERMANENT SOLUTION FOR IT. So today, I am revisiting the same ‘unhappy for no reason’ thing but with a calmer, clearer mind. Why do we have to pity ourselves constantly? And talk about every small thing that we think isn’t working out well?

One of most obvious reasons why we seem to be so unhappy all the time is that we choose to share the unhappiness more than the happiness. One reason I can think of is that maybe we truly do believe that we deserve a better deal than the one we got now. Most of us constantly compare our state with others. And yes, the comparison is between ‘all things bad in our lives, and all things good in the others’. We conveniently ignore the other halves of both the lives. And of course the end result is a lot of self pity and sighing  about just how perfect someone else’s life is. In short, unhappiness.

I know, I am sounding like a preachy old maata here, but in this regard, maybe I have become one. Happiness attracts happiness. Positive brings positive. And just the same way, focusing on your sadness, will only make it more prevalent in your life.
So we need to understand that we will not have perfect lives. Things will not always work out. You will have to deal with people and situations that suck. There will be traffic jams, and annoying relatives, and beautiful things that you cannot afford or you will put on weight faster even though you eat lesser.   Yes, There will always be things that are unfair, not cool, even horrible.

 Yes, things could have been better. But they aren’t. So suck it up, move on.  And for heaven’s sake, try not talking about it all the time.

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